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These are stories from both sides of my family tree that I’ve been gathering for over 30 years in dusty boxes scattered around my house. I finally decided it’s time to get them out of the boxes and into a blog so that someone else besides me can read them.

Lois Elvene Curtis and her brother, Leland Curtis

Click on a surname category to see all stories with anyone with that surname, or use the search bar. You can also search a particular name…I tagged each person in each story so you can find all stories that mention a particular person.

“Just like our ancestors, we too will fall out of living memory and be forgotten. It will take a future genealogist to find us again. Make it a good find.”

Stephen Robert Kuta

Click on the Family Tree page to see basic trees that show who my ancestors were. Each story lists the number of the person on each tree so you can easily locate them. Email me to share notes or collaborate on any of these family lines…and to correct me if you see any errors!

Thanks for reading!